EC2 Auto Clean Room Forensics

This example solution will take an instance ID from an SNS topic and through a series of AWS Lambda functions co-ordinated by AWS Step Functions will automatically notify, isolate and run basic forensics on the identified instance. Please note: The instructions on how to create the forensics instance AMI will be published here soon.

Overall Architecture

Pre requisties

Download the git hub repo

Zip the lambda functions into a file and save the file in S3 bucket.

Edit the run commands in - Update the S3 bucket details where EC2 instance launched is access.

Step 1 : Launch Cloud Formation Template - Incident-Response-Stepfunctions-lambda-vpc.json

The cloud formation template creates the following

  1. Clean Room VPC

  2. Lambda Functions -

    sec-ir-1-createSupportTicket Function to create support ticket Python 3.6

    sec-ir-2-isolateInstance Function to isolate Ec2 instance Python 3.6

    sec-ir-3-sendIsolationNotification Function to Send notification for instance Isolation and Snapshot creation Python 3.6

    sec-ir-4-snapShotCreation Function to isolate Ec2 instance Python 3.6

    sec-ir-5-startForensicInstance Function to Send notification for instance Isolation and Snapshot creation Python 3.6

    sec-ir-6-createAndAttachAffectedVolume Function to Create and attach volume created from Snapshot Python 3.6

    sec-ir-7-isSSMInstalled Function to Check SSM is installed or not Python 3.6

    sec-ir-8-runForesnsicAnalysis Function to Run Foresnsic Analysis Python 3.6

    sec-ir-9-invokeStepFunctions Function parse SNS message and invoke Step functions Node.js 6.10

    Lambda Functions :

  3. SNS Topic for posting Guard duty finding which will trigger sec-ir-9-invokeStepFunctions lambda function

Step 2 Create Lambda functions which will be triggered for every S3 Create Create S3 trigger on the bucket which edited in the pre-requisties

Step Functions Overview

Last updated