CloudTrail & Athena
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Create a table in the default sampledb database using the CloudTrail SerDe. The easiest way to create the table is to copy and paste the following query into the Athena query editor, modify the LOCATION value, and then run the query.
LOCATION 's3://<Your CloudTrail s3 bucket>/AWSLogs/<optional – AWS_Account_ID>/'
with the S3 bucket where your CloudTrail log files are delivered. For example, if your CloudTrail S3 bucket is named “aws -sai-sriparasa” and you set up a log file prefix of “/datalake/cloudtrail/” you would edit the LOCATION statement as follows:
Security use cases:
Identify any security group changes for our EC2 instance:
select eventname, useridentity.username, sourceIPAddress, eventtime, requestparameters from cloudtrail_logs where (requestparameters like '%sg-5887f224%' or requestparameters like '%sg-e214609e%' or requestparameters like '%eni-6c5ca5a8%') and eventtime > '2017-02-15T00:00:00Z' order by eventtime asc;
Console Sign-in activity:
select useridentity.username, sourceipaddress, eventtime, additionaleventdata from default.cloudtrail_logs where eventname = 'ConsoleLogin' and eventtime >= '2017-02-17T00:00:00Z' and eventtime < '2017-02-18T00:00:00Z';
Non Corporate IP Logins:
select useridentity.username, sourceipaddress, json_extract_scalar(additionaleventdata, '$.MobileVersion') as MobileVersion, eventtime, additionaleventdata from default.cloudtrail_logs where eventname = 'ConsoleLogin' and (json_extract_scalar(additionaleventdata, '$.MobileVersion') = 'Yes' or sourceipaddress not like '192.198.%' and eventtime >= '2017-02-17T00:00:00Z' and eventtime < '2017-02-17T05:00:00Z');
Error CloudTrail Logs
select count (*) as TotalEvents, eventname, errorcode, errormessage from cloudtrail_logs where errorcode is not null and eventtime >= '2017-01-01T00:00:00Z' group by eventname, errorcode, errormessage order by TotalEvents desc limit 10;
Top IAM users select count (*) as TotalEvents, useridentity.username, eventname from cloudtrail_logs where eventtime >= '2017-01-01T00:00:00Z' and useridentity.type = 'IAMUser' group by useridentity.username, eventname order by TotalEvents desc;
Root Login
select count (*) as TotalEvents, eventname, useridentity.invokedby from cloudtrail_logs where eventtime >= '2017-01-01T00:00:00Z' and useridentity.type = 'Root' group by useridentity.username, eventname, useridentity.invokedby order by TotalEvents desc;
Last updated